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Op-Ed | New York’s injured workers need support

September 23, 2021

New York’s injured workers have long had to deal with a confusing system to find solutions that meet their needs. Further complicating matters, the Workers’ Compensation Board has continued implementing new rules and regulations that put injured workers into uncomfortable and risky situations during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of Aug. 16, 2021, a New York State Executive Order expired, forcing partially disabled workers to seek employment just to receive their rightful compensation. The…

COVID-19 Vaccine Assistance

February 8, 2021

To all of our valued clients: If you are now eligible for a COVID vaccine and do not have anyone to help you navigate online, or a computer to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call the office and ask for Kate.

Essential Workers Continue to Struggle for Covid-Related Workers' Comp and Death Benefits

December 1, 2020

Eight months into the coronavirus outbreak in New York, frontline workers and their families continue to struggle to receive workers' compensation and death benefits for covid-related injuries incurred on the job. A Gotham Gazette analysis of claim data from the Workers' Compensation Board reveals that fewer than 2% of workplace injury claims associated with the virus have had lost wages awarded through the Board, while thousands remain in limbo.

Do you think you contracted COVID at work?

November 2, 2020

Do you think you contacted COVID at work. Here is the information you need to file a claim.

Covid 19 and Workers Compensation FAQs

July 5, 2020

The Board has updated information should you find yourself being diagnosed with COVID due to a work exposure

COVID-19 Update

June 25, 2020

Today's update from the Board for employees with COVID 19 symptoms... COVID-19 Bulletin from the Medical Director's Office This bulletin addresses the current knowledge, assessment and treatment of COVID-19 for affected workers in New York State. This bulletin provides information for injured workers, providers and carriers.

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Office Location:

Law Office of Kathryn M Kirsch
295 Main Street
Suite 1090
Buffalo, NY 14203

716-861-2300 (p)
716-200-1707 (f)

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