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Covid-19 Workers’ Comp Claims Are Being Held Up or Denied

September 8, 2020

COVID-19 and New York State Workers' Compensation...a system built for workers' continues to disappoint them..."Employers and insurance companies are insisting employees, even those directly exposed to the virus, can’t prove they got sick at work."

Take Action - Send A Letter

September 4, 2020

The Workers' Compensation Board, created to ensure that injured workers' obtain the benefits they are entitled to, is not only filing an appeal of an award to the injured worker's family, but is also permitting the carrier to withhold benefits pending the Court of Appeals decision. Please go to the landing page at the top of this page, click the link and SEND A LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVES. It takes only a minute and is super easy!

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Office Location:

Law Office of Kathryn M Kirsch
295 Main Street
Suite 1090
Buffalo, NY 14203

716-861-2300 (p)
716-200-1707 (f)

© 2016 -2022: Kathryn Kirsch, Esq.

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